Beyond Marginal Gains

The search for high performance and ‘high-hanging’ fruit.

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About the book

Showcasing the Optimal, Maximal, Incremental, and Threshold (OMIT) and Accelerate The Curve (ATC) models, this book offers a solid understanding of high performance and how to improve it.

The concept of marginal gains is well known – make small improvements and increase performance. What happens when these gains are harder to find? This book answers all your performance-related questions including: How can I continue to improve, even if I am better than I have ever been, and better than everyone else? How can I use my time, energy and resources better, so that I can improve more, with less? The book begins by introducing two concepts for high performance – OMIT and ATC. Using high-profile case studies, it maps the performance of business and sporting organisations, as well as individuals, against these models and offers practical advice for those looking to understand and improve their own performance using these concepts. Beyond marginal gains, towards threshold gains.

Combining the theoretical understanding of each model with suggestions for how to apply them in practice, this is the ideal resource for those looking to increase individual, team, or organisational performance across a range of domains.

Beyond Marginal Gains – cover image